I'm slap down in the middle now of a what I'm sure could be considered a big week.
Last Sunday, I officially graduated the Certificate of Applied Theology from IBI. Here's a picture of me and my new certificate in what appears to be a Hogwarts dress uniform.
I'm going to miss college life this year but have found the odd random excuse to give it a visit. With my certificate, I got membership to the alumni society, Cairde (apparently, friends in Irish) and with that, conintued membership of the library which should prove useful. Two of my friends, Paul and Paddy have started in the college recently and I couldn't be more excited for them. They stand to gain a lot including an increased understanding and appreciation of their faith, a great opportunity to develop in their own walk with Jesus and an invitation to a great community of believers.
Goodbye for now, IBI. See you when I continue on to the diploma.
I was going to write something else in this post, but since this is getting long, that can get its own post.
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