Reflection on Time

I was just thinking about my schedule for tomorrow.
Let me give you the background.

I was originally scheduled to work in my job (in Zumo) tomorrow from 2.30pm to 7.30pm tomorrow. That's five hours.
Earlier today, I got a phone call from my manager asking me to work instead from 8.30am to 2.30pm instead.
Six hours.

The strange thing was that despite the longer work hours, I got excited about the opportunity to have a productive afternoon after work.

Now, my manager has switched me back to the afternoon shift, I'm kinda disappointed.
The prospect of having a productive day (aside from my job) seems gone.
It's strange that although I'm working less hours, I feel like I have less free time.
Why is that?

Probably, it's that I find it easier to get stuff done in the afternoon or evening then the morning.
Maybe, it's that it hard to focus in the morning also know that I'll soon have to get ready for work.
On some level, I wonder if its because by forced to get up early in the morning, I feel less lazy then I would sleeping in a bit. (I should mention here that I slept in very late and frequently over Summer.)
Also, it disjoints my day by having to be somewhere in the middle of it.

My challenge tomorrow is whether I can overcome a schedule that defies my personal body clock and make use of the time I do have. I feel like through a combination of appreciating the time I do have and taking time to reflect and worship (God, Jesus specifically) that the time will be well used.

I travelled to Dundalk this weekend with 3Rock for a leadership training day with Rev. Tom Wilson during he reflected on solitude. Think I need to practice some of that. More of my thoughts on it tomorrow.

Au revoir.
(I like foreign versions of "you see later")