
I was working on my Martin Luther essay and got distracted by a book on my table. It was Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. I haven't read it yet but I just read the introduction and thought it was worth sharing. Here it goes:

"I never liked jazz music because jazz music didn't resolve. But I was outside the Bagdad Theatre in Portland one night when I saw a man playing the saxophone. I stood there for fifteen minutes, and he never opened his eyes. 
After that I liked jazz music.
Sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself. It is as if they are showing you the way.
I used to not like God because God didn't resolve. But that was before any of this happens."

In researching Martin Luther, I found that he once said, "I do not love God! I hate him." This was the same Luther who revolutionised Christianity, who brought the world away from the church as an institution and into Christianity as a personal, living faith.
Yet, he hated God.

He hated God because of his guilt... because he was a sinful, messed up wretch who God had every right to squash if He so chose.

One verse made a difference to Martin:     Romans 1:17

This Gospel tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the scriptures say, "It is through faith that a righteous person has life."

The reason Martin's hate was turned to love was the realisation that God isn't waiting to squash us, who have faith in his Son. He's saving them and changing them and that is something worth enjoying.

Close your eyes, enjoy the jazz.

Another Option

It's really late on Thursday night, I've made little progress on my essay. I'm really going to have to force myself to somehow do it in the next two days which is difficult with my schedule. I'm thinking that I'm probably going to miss church this weekend to finish it up. :(

On the decision making front, I've noticed that the option I'm leaning to is directly related to what I'm been doing lately and basically my emotional state. Making decisions based purely on emotion, I think. is not good. So, that's something else to think about.

Fortunately, I have however thought outside the box and thought of another option for what to do in the coming year. (actually, a couple, but one that I'm serious about) which could be potentially a perfect fit for me at the moment. I won't say what that option is until I've had a chance to find out a bit more about it and contact a few people.

Ok, now having done no typing of my essay (but just about every other distraction I could find), I must sleep and discipline myself in the morning.  Ah,... discipline.... not my strongest area....

Fork in the road.

It's been a while since I posted so I figured another one was in order.

Honestly, I'm current procrastinating from a college essay that's due on Wednesday. If anyone has any input about the Life, Teaching and Legacy of Martin Luther, let me know.

My head's been in a place lately thats making it hard to focus of study. I've been debating in my head about what I should be doing next year (as in after the Summer).
On one hand, I can follow the plan I've had for a while and continue in IBI and finish the diploma, while continuing to work with Gap.
On the other hand, I could train specifically for youth ministry, which would involve most likely a move overseas but would provide immense experience and opportunity to

What I do know is that every week, I'm more sure about my calling in youth work and am figuring out more what that's supposed to look like for me in terms of how I work best and what I can do. I want to be as best prepared to do this work as I can but at the same time, I'm very excited about what the future has in store for Gap and the challenges that we will face and feel like I'm important in those plans.

I'm really stuck on this. I'm wondering whether God had one particular way he wants me to go or whether boths ways could be right in some way.
I'm wondering whether God is going to give me some kind of obvious sign or whether he want me to use wisdom.