8 Things I Learned from the Global Leadership Summit

For the last two day, I attended the Willow Creek Global Leadership summit. I was brought by my church, City Gates along will Paul K, my fellow MTSer and youth worker, and Paul D, my pastor. It was a series of video casts taken at the main summit which took place in Willow Creek, Chicago.
Here are some of the things I learned:

1. Visions is better accomplished when developed and and deeply owned by the whole group.
2. Lap dancers won't perform when there is a lady present (one who isn't a a lap dancer)
3. Only 12% of people play to their strengths most of the time.
4. It took a film maker (who's not even sure of his faith) to make me see how we could defeat poverty.
5. There may be one overarching dark mission emcompassing all my struggles.
6. The best strategy for a church's community outreach may be getting the professionals to do it.
7. Colin Powell likes to listen to everyone's view and works in a youth group.
8. The best way I can inspire others is by living an inspired life,

There was alot in these sessions and its gonna take time to process and reread over my notes before I really respond to what I've been faced with. Yikes, my head is still spinning.